Energy Propagation and Irreptile Geometry


All energy propagation involves the irreptile self-similar inward assembly of the triangular/hexagonal repeating geometries associated with nodes in the aether.  It may be that Lee Sallows deserves a Nobel prize in Physics/Mathematics for observations he made in the realm of tessellation and irreptile geometries (infinitely nested hexagons, with a few leftover triangles (that make it technically an incomplete tessellation)). He has nothing to do with me or my sites. He does not know me, nor I him. He might not agree with my postulations and (some call crazily esoteric) rants about physics. If he knew me, he might think I’m a nut.  But, his observation (published in Mathematics Magazine) was the last nail I needed to build out my theory on the lyotropic aether. Technically, the self similar, inwardly repeating geometry is not irreptile tessellation because the initial tiling leaves gaps. However; it IS infinitely self nesting. That’s all that is needed.

I needed something to make the “body” of the Wilburforce Pendulum. In my mind I saw the filaments of assembled lyotropic aether, but needed those to act collectively to produce the alternating rotations of the Wilburforce pendulum. Lee has provided the critical piece of information needed to make the whole assembly reasonably feasible.  I had initially thought that the effects of “bunching” and “pinching” could explain the pendulum, but those are nebulous terms.  Irreptile assemblies do have the strength to hold up the theory, perhaps.  Incomplete hexagonal tessellations seem to play well with my most recent thoughts connecting general energy propagation to quantum entanglement and crystallographically defined percolations. We are NOT talking about waves here.  Nothing in this post is about waves.  It’s all about longitudinal percolations with angular momentum, at an atomic scale many magnitudes below an atom.  The reason I needed an aggregator such as bunching, pinching, or self similarity is that a single  filament of self assembled lyotropic aether could not drive an atom by itself.  It needs to be bunched by at least 1 order of magnitude (more on that later).

Did you ever wonder why DC current does not produce radio waves? I have.  To the regular electrician or engineer such a statement falls into the category of stuff involving a suspension of disbelief, or pseudo science. But, force is force, so why does it need to alternate in order to propagate across the expanses of the spaces around us?  No reason understood, until now.  Thanks Lee.   

The Wilburforce pendulum is a phase shifting device.  One end of the pendulum circuit is always 180 degrees out of phase with the other, just as in quantum entanglement.  Without the phase shift, it doesn’t work.  Either an alternating current drives the phase shift in a single-ended way, or equal and opposite reflexes allow the pendulum to work in a free style way.  One might say that the pendulum causes its own phase shift by the nature of its construction.  This is true, but only works when the connection is at parity on both ends (a strong response exists, coming from the other end of the propagation circuit).   Else, the pendulum would either get stuck at 180 degrees or rotate in one direction, breaking the nodes of the transit path to the receiver.  The receiver must connect in a node-to-node percolation manner, not breaking the “spring” of the pendulum.  Not all connections are entangled ones, but when there is a quantum entangled connection, there is enough response from the other end of the circuit to make the pendulum work in a free style way. 

This is a bit of a modification of what I recently postulated as the cause for rotation in the Wilberforce pendulum.  Most of what I stated about that aspect of propagation (that the crystal always starts the rotation in the same direction), I think is still valid.  Most transfer is heavily one-ended, but in the case of quantum entanglement, where the efficiency is so much greater (due to the hexagonal crystals used as transmitters) – the other end of the connection is sufficiently synchronized to act as a true free space Wilburforce pendulum.  Without the quantum entanglement, the propagation is a sort of half Wilburforce pendulum, a bit like a half wave rectifier circuit.  The difference between regular energy propagation and quantum entanglement is simply efficiency.

Due to the added efficiency, the quantum entangled connection is a fully operational free space Wilburforce pendulum, while regular propagation is driven in a mostly single-ended way, helped by the phase shift of the source to compensate for the lack of response from the other end.  In the case of the entangled connection, there is much higher reciprocity, and synchronization.


Note: the author is a writer on technical subjects in some areas, of novels, and of other literature, but does not have any formal credentials related to the medical field, or in physics. Thus, this all constitutes an opinion of what might be possible, based on his own hobby-level knowledge quests.

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